As part of the Nurses’ League constitution a journal is published every year and is sent to all members. This is usually in March although in 2021 it was delayed until May .
The contents include all the details of the Annual Reunion and the Annual General Meeting which is normally held on the 2nd Saturday in May.
The journal has grown in size over the years with news of members, set reunions, local reunions, obituaries and interesting articles, many of which are sent in by members. It is one way in which members can keep in touch with each other and keeps them up to date with the League’s activities.
There is usually an update from the Chief Nurse and the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Palliative Care, King’s College London. Information about accessing the Benevolent fund and the Educational grants is also included. Those in receipt of an Educational grant are asked to provide a short article on the educational experience which has been funded, with an emphasis on the impact for either the individual recipient or their clinical practice.
Members very much look forward to receiving their journal each year, and the Editorial team is always very happy to receive articles and items to be included along with photographs. Details are in the journal or email to At present it is not available online but this is something that the team may work towards.
Since the introduction of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations 2016) the full members’ list which used to accompany the journal every 5 years is no longer sent out.